Rhode Island Broadcasters Association

Business/School Cancellation System

Business and School Closing System

Welcome to the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association Cancellation System Instruction page.  If you are looking to register as an Administrator of your business, school, community organization or State Agency – please see the “REGISTER HERE” tab on the home page of this website.

Once you are registered you will be sent a SECURITY CODE AND A PASSCODE.  Keep these codes in a safe place both in the office and at home.  We suggest you share them with one additional person in case your internet is lost during inclement weather. THE SYSTEM IS LIVE 365 DAYS A YEAR TO ACCEPT PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION TO OUR VIEWERS AND LISTENERS.  YOUR INFORMATION WILL BE SENT IMMEDIATELY TO THE WEBSITES OF ALL OUR MEMBER STATIONS.  NEWSROOMS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF YOUR ACTIVATION OF THE MESSAGE VIA TEXT AND EMAIL ALERTS.

RIBA closing system is sensitive to symbols – DO NOT ENTER ANY EXPLANATION MARKS, NUMBER SIGNS (#) OR COLONS (12:00) NO COMAS or AT SIGNS (@).  IF DONE, THIS WILL PROMOTE YOUR MESSAGE FROM DELETING FROM THE SYSTEM DUE TO ERROR.  NO ADDITIONAL MESSAGING IS ALLOWED!!  Example:  Stay Safe!  Happy SNOW Day!  Drive Safe – any and ALL of this type of messaging will be removed and cause your codes to be deleted from the system.  This measure will be followed beginning in the 2022/2023 season.  These symbols and messages caused an attack to the system in 2022.

There is a fee of $100 per year, per registration.  If you are a non-profit you are exempt from the fee but must provide proof of your tax id status. 

If you are a non-profit business, contact LNeedham@ribroadcasters.com with your business name, address, contact information and Tax Identification number to have the fee waived within the system to allow you access to the closing page.

Text alert registration can be set up on the home page of the RIBA website.  The category’s that accept this registration is BUSINESS, SCHOOLS, DAYCARES, HEALTH SERVICES.  We are working hard to add additional categories as we continue to build this service.

All registered users have opportunity to promote the use of text alerts to be sent to (pre-registered users) as soon as your company/business activates a message within the system. Any employee, client or other persons can register on-line at any radio or television station website to receive text alerts for your individual message.

Rhode Island Broadcasters Association

View a list of Stations that participate in the RIBA cancellation program 

Information for Schools

For information on how to request a log in ID, click here.

If your organization has not registered for the program, sign up online or download a Sign Up Form now.

For complete  information about the program and procedures, please download the Closing Procedure Instructions.

Information for Businesses

For information on how to request a log in ID, click here.

If your business has not registered for the program, sign up online or download a sign up form now.

For information on how to submit a payment, click here.

For complete information about the program and procedures, please download the Closing Procedure Instructions.